Wednesday, January 1, 2020


This blog is going to be the host of my fun and hilarious conversations I have with random men that I meet on the internet. I will probably also talk about some dates that I go on if they went horrifically wrong.

So why am I doing this?

I want to document my fun dating experiences and provide a place for myself and my friends. Purely for fun.

Everything in this blog is REAL. I could not make this up. :)

Any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to email me :)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

(2:35:24 PM) Chubby Chaser: Hor far along are u
(2:35:28 PM) kindatiredsock: 4 and a half months
(2:35:38 PM) Chubby Chaser: Nice
(2:36:03 PM) Chubby Chaser: Staring 2 show alot
(2:36:13 PM) kindatiredsock: not really
(2:36:39 PM) Chubby Chaser: Still nice shape
(2:36:54 PM) kindatiredsock: i was never in nice shape
(2:37:03 PM) kindatiredsock: unless round is a shape
(2:37:11 PM) Chubby Chaser: What do u consider nice shape
(2:37:20 PM) Chubby Chaser: I love meat
(2:37:26 PM) Chubby Chaser: lol
(2:37:27 PM) kindatiredsock: lol idk. i'm pretty sure most of the worlds population would consider me to be out of shape
(2:37:36 PM) Chubby Chaser: Never eat my veggies
(2:38:28 PM) Chubby Chaser: u like bones
(2:38:45 PM) kindatiredsock: um not really but i am pretty fat lol
(2:39:28 PM) Chubby Chaser: Don't like bones that sucks I'm kinda skiny
(2:40:00 PM) kindatiredsock: well i dont mind on guys i guess but not for me i would look stupid if i was boney
(2:40:33 PM) Chubby Chaser: But u got curves
(2:40:39 PM) kindatiredsock: i have a lot of them
(2:41:04 PM) Chubby Chaser: That's what I like something I can grab
(2:41:11 PM) kindatiredsock: lol whatever
(2:41:49 PM) Chubby Chaser: More ass 2 grab more tits 2 grab more 2 grab in general
(2:42:09 PM) kindatiredsock: well i'm pretty sure that we'll never meet so don't get your hopes up
(2:43:05 PM) Chubby Chaser: My hopes were never up I was just telling u how I feel feel me
(2:43:17 PM) Chubby Chaser: Don't feel disrespectd it boo
(2:43:26 PM) kindatiredsock: lol wtf

This is why you shouldn't meet people on the internet

The past week or so, I have been talking to a certain guy who I'll call J1.
We've made plans to hang out like 4 or 5 times, and each time he cancels. Well except once, when I canceled, but it was because I was throwing up all day lol.

But anyways. So today we were like OKAY LETS REALLY DO THIS.
So I tried to call him and double check on the time that we were going to meet, no answer.
I texted him and told him to call me back. Nothing.
So I sent him a text that I wasn't going to come over until he calls me back. Still no answer.

I'm pretty sure I've been stood up.
This is the last time I'm going to try to meet with him. He doesn't deserve my time.

Also, Friday night, I was supposed to hang out with this other guy, J2. Around 4 he calls me and tells me he needs to go collect some money so he can take me out (yeah this should have been a big warning flag) and that he would call me and let me know. So it gets to be like 7 and he hasn't called or answered my texts. Later on I receive a text from him saying that his cousin was in an accident and that he would call me when he was on his way home.

So around 9 he texts me and he says something along the lines of "I'm really sorry, I'm on my way home right now, can you text me the score of the Laker game, I'll call you in a few" and I told him I'm going to bed and I'll talk to him the next day. He sent me some other lame text that said "I'm really sorry I'll make it up to you I swear please just let me make it up to you" etc etc and I had told him it's okay, no big deal, don't worry about it and we'll still hang out.

Yesterday, I tried to call him like, all day, and I texted him a couple times to see how he was and to ask if he wanted to hang out later that night and I got ZERO replies.



Another week over...
Time for a new post on Craigslist haha.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

In response to a craigslist ad:

Always wanted to suck a pregnant womans titties. Tall clean white guy in Chino Hills if you're up for some NSA discrete fun!

(10:44:22 AM) Cheater:, whatcha up to today?
(10:44:33 AM) edge_ofmorning: nothing really
(10:44:40 AM) edge_ofmorning: watching a show about the angels and demons movie
(10:45:07 AM) Cheater: need some fun...
(10:45:15 AM) Cheater: you should invite me over....=)
(10:45:19 AM) edge_ofmorning: lol whys that
(10:45:37 AM) Cheater: so you can enjoy your day....I love to give...
(10:45:50 AM) edge_ofmorning: give what
(10:46:27 AM) Cheater: lol..
(10:47:19 AM) Cheater: I love to give oral...nice shower, rub down, eat you out, etc...
(10:48:45 AM) Cheater: i know you're not looking for hookup, but maybe a lil fun would do you some good..
(10:50:08 AM) Cheater: maybe a lil $$ to help ya with the babystuff...
(10:51:04 AM) Cheater: whatcha think?
(10:52:06 AM) edge_ofmorning: lol no thanks.
(10:52:11 AM) edge_ofmorning: i'm not a prostitute, for srs
(10:52:48 AM) Cheater: well you are a very pretty girl...and Id love to please...
(10:52:54 AM) edge_ofmorning: yeah well.
(10:52:56 AM) edge_ofmorning: i'd rather not.
(10:53:00 AM) Cheater: wouldnt even take my bottoms off...
(10:53:07 AM) Cheater: lol
(10:53:21 AM) Cheater: shower in my
(10:53:35 AM) edge_ofmorning: i'm not interested in hookups
(10:54:08 AM) Cheater: so I read..but its not like Im an ungly why not?
(10:54:46 AM) edge_ofmorning: it doesn't matter if you're ugly or not it's the principle of the thing
(10:54:59 AM) edge_ofmorning: plus i'm pregnant i'm not about to get an STD and pass it on to my kid
(10:55:43 AM) Cheater: I will be eating you out...lil hard to get std, besides my gf would hate it if i had std..
(10:56:20 AM) Cheater: she aint as cute as you are anymore...
(10:56:26 AM) edge_ofmorning: wow you're a real winner aren't you
(10:56:50 AM) edge_ofmorning: so is that how you roll, just keep upgrading every time you get bored or what
(10:57:29 AM) Cheater: nah I aint looking to keep you around...just some fun
(10:57:33 AM) edge_ofmorning: lol what the fuck
(10:57:37 AM) edge_ofmorning: like i'm going to go for that
(10:57:48 AM) edge_ofmorning: you need to learn a lesson about how to treat women, for srs.
(10:58:03 AM) Cheater: sure..Ive had my share of lessons...
(10:58:12 AM) edge_ofmorning: the last time someone disrespected me, i posted his phone number on craigslist under the M4M section
(10:58:24 AM) edge_ofmorning: and he got a barrage of text messages alllll night
(10:58:29 AM) edge_ofmorning: you're lucky you didn't give me your number
(10:59:27 AM) Cheater: oh so you're one of those people...just be an adult and move on need to reply
(10:59:49 AM) edge_ofmorning: no i like to reply :) it makes it more fun for me
(11:00:06 AM) Cheater: lol...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

(9:38:59 PM) Boy: so when was the last time u hooked up?
(9:39:14 PM) kindatiredsock: I dont hook up
(9:39:28 PM) Boy: y
(9:39:41 PM) kindatiredsock: because I'm not a slut
(9:39:46 PM) Boy: lol
(9:39:57 PM) Boy: when was the last time u were wiht a man?
(9:40:09 PM) kindatiredsock: my ex, 3 months ago
(9:40:30 PM) Boy: is he the one that got u preggers?
(9:40:58 PM) kindatiredsock: yes
(9:41:04 PM) Boy: i c
(9:41:07 PM) Boy: do u like sex?
(9:41:15 PM) kindatiredsock: well apparently if I got pregnant
(9:41:19 PM) Boy: lol
(9:42:00 PM) Boy: so did he just bail on you the minute u told him u were pregnant
(9:42:48 PM) kindatiredsock: no it was like about two weeks after
(9:43:12 PM) Boy: were u having unprotected sex?
(9:43:28 PM) kindatiredsock: i was on birth control
(9:43:42 PM) Boy: ohh...and it didnt work?
(9:43:49 PM) kindatiredsock: obviously lol
(9:44:03 PM) Boy: so what are u looking for in a guy?
(9:44:16 PM) kindatiredsock: i don't answer that question
(9:44:27 PM) Boy: i c
(9:44:32 PM) Boy: do u want to go out with me/
(9:44:35 PM) kindatiredsock: maybe
(9:45:36 PM) Boy: what kinda food do u like
(9:45:53 PM) kindatiredsock: i dont like seafood or super spicy food
(9:46:08 PM) Boy: cool
(9:46:23 PM) Boy: so where do u work
(9:46:57 PM) kindatiredsock: i work at a store called anna's linens
(9:47:35 PM) Boy: what do they sell there
(9:48:05 PM) kindatiredsock: like bed stuff and curtains and bathroom stuff
(9:48:17 PM) Boy: cool
(9:48:33 PM) Boy: so what is the willdest thing u have ever done?
(9:48:58 PM) kindatiredsock: i'm not a very wild person
(9:50:14 PM) Boy: anything out of the ordinary?
(9:50:24 PM) kindatiredsock: lol no not really
(9:50:42 PM) Boy: lol
(9:50:49 PM) Boy: so do u miss sex?
(9:51:01 PM) kindatiredsock: no not really
(9:51:06 PM) Boy: y not
(9:51:14 PM) kindatiredsock: because i dont
(9:51:27 PM) Boy: u dont miss kissing?
(9:51:49 PM) kindatiredsock: kissing isn't sex lol
(9:51:53 PM) kindatiredsock: i never said i didn't miss that
(9:52:16 PM) Boy: lol
(9:52:27 PM) Boy: how about a guy caressing your body?
(9:52:54 PM) kindatiredsock: i'd rather not have this conversation thanks
(9:53:00 PM) Boy: ok