Wednesday, May 27, 2009

(9:38:59 PM) Boy: so when was the last time u hooked up?
(9:39:14 PM) kindatiredsock: I dont hook up
(9:39:28 PM) Boy: y
(9:39:41 PM) kindatiredsock: because I'm not a slut
(9:39:46 PM) Boy: lol
(9:39:57 PM) Boy: when was the last time u were wiht a man?
(9:40:09 PM) kindatiredsock: my ex, 3 months ago
(9:40:30 PM) Boy: is he the one that got u preggers?
(9:40:58 PM) kindatiredsock: yes
(9:41:04 PM) Boy: i c
(9:41:07 PM) Boy: do u like sex?
(9:41:15 PM) kindatiredsock: well apparently if I got pregnant
(9:41:19 PM) Boy: lol
(9:42:00 PM) Boy: so did he just bail on you the minute u told him u were pregnant
(9:42:48 PM) kindatiredsock: no it was like about two weeks after
(9:43:12 PM) Boy: were u having unprotected sex?
(9:43:28 PM) kindatiredsock: i was on birth control
(9:43:42 PM) Boy: ohh...and it didnt work?
(9:43:49 PM) kindatiredsock: obviously lol
(9:44:03 PM) Boy: so what are u looking for in a guy?
(9:44:16 PM) kindatiredsock: i don't answer that question
(9:44:27 PM) Boy: i c
(9:44:32 PM) Boy: do u want to go out with me/
(9:44:35 PM) kindatiredsock: maybe
(9:45:36 PM) Boy: what kinda food do u like
(9:45:53 PM) kindatiredsock: i dont like seafood or super spicy food
(9:46:08 PM) Boy: cool
(9:46:23 PM) Boy: so where do u work
(9:46:57 PM) kindatiredsock: i work at a store called anna's linens
(9:47:35 PM) Boy: what do they sell there
(9:48:05 PM) kindatiredsock: like bed stuff and curtains and bathroom stuff
(9:48:17 PM) Boy: cool
(9:48:33 PM) Boy: so what is the willdest thing u have ever done?
(9:48:58 PM) kindatiredsock: i'm not a very wild person
(9:50:14 PM) Boy: anything out of the ordinary?
(9:50:24 PM) kindatiredsock: lol no not really
(9:50:42 PM) Boy: lol
(9:50:49 PM) Boy: so do u miss sex?
(9:51:01 PM) kindatiredsock: no not really
(9:51:06 PM) Boy: y not
(9:51:14 PM) kindatiredsock: because i dont
(9:51:27 PM) Boy: u dont miss kissing?
(9:51:49 PM) kindatiredsock: kissing isn't sex lol
(9:51:53 PM) kindatiredsock: i never said i didn't miss that
(9:52:16 PM) Boy: lol
(9:52:27 PM) Boy: how about a guy caressing your body?
(9:52:54 PM) kindatiredsock: i'd rather not have this conversation thanks
(9:53:00 PM) Boy: ok

1 comment:

  1. Oh god, I hate it HATE it when people type like that guy does. "lol" After everything... ugh. o__O

    At least he asked you what kind of food you liked...? Like insinuating he would take you out or some thing... then gets RIGHT BACK to the sex!
